"Little Princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty." - Fairy Flora, Sleeping Beauty
We know that not everyone is as lucky as Aurora to have a Fairy Godmother to “keep one looking young and beautiful.” However, the truth in this popular saying is that your body really does repair itself whilst you sleep.
the science bit…
Research shows that a good night’s sleep is between 7 - 9 hours and despite what you might read the need for sleep doesn’t decrease as we get older we still need at least 7 hours no matter what age we are.
What does lack of sleep mean for you and your skin? Common issues can be dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, dull and dry skin and even chronic stress. When you don’t get enough sleep, stress begins to increase in your body and this damages collagen in your skin. Collagen gives structure and elasticity and as it breaks down, your skin becomes less firm and smooth.
Sleeping Beauty Salon can come to your rescue in 60 minutes…
The radiance restoring Elemis Peptide 24/7 Skin Sync and Biotec Peptide 24/7 Skin Sync facials use specialist massage techniques combined with a powerful botanical formula, exclusive to Elemis, to replenish and target tired skin so no matter how you slept the night before it helps you achieve a well-rested glow.
Perfect Rescue Remedy
Peptides have some substantial benefits worth considering when incorporating them into your daily skincare regime - such as making your skin appear more youthful, improving skin's radiance and glow. Peptides can even reduce inflammation, helping our bodies heal.
Protect your skin whilst you snooze with our top 3 tips…
Create a relaxing, comfortable atmosphere. Before turning out the lights why not try our soothing and restful Luxe ‘Calm’ Aromatherapy Massage Oil.
Luxe Calm
The natural scents of cedarwood, rose geranium & sandalwood will help you unwind and reduce away any anxiety with their soothing and restful properties. The sweet orange will uplift your mind and aid in a restful nights sleep.
2. Invest in some nice pillowcases and relax into sleep with the Peptide4 Plumping Pillow Facial.
Elemis Plumping Facial Pillow
A supercooling and hydrating gel mask that helps to prevent overnight water loss, leaving skin looking younger and feeling plumped with moisture upon waking..
3. Watch your thermostat and for added hydration overnight consider investing in a humidifier. To keep those eyes bright and hydrated try Peptide4 Recovery Eye Cream
Elemis Eye Recovery Cream
To help revive the appearance of tired and overworked eyes.
As well as looking after our skin The Mental Health Foundation notes that regularly getting a good night’s sleep is very important to ensuring we also enjoy good mental health and wellbeing.
“Get at least 8 hours of beauty sleep. 9 if you're ugly.”
-- Betty White