Charity Policy
If we could help everyone we would but unfortunately we can't , so have a read of our policy to find out how we are supporting others.
We receive literally hundreds of requests each year on behalf of worthwhile causes. In the past it has taken us a lot of time to respond to each request and decide who to support. So from 2011 onwards we have decided to support just one major charity each year, and a few causes very local to us in our immediate neighbourhood. This will be done through our own fundraising and a Charity Gala day that we will hold each year.
Our charities will be chosen through a majority vote of all team members at Sleeping Beauty Salon.
Please do not send requests for raffle prizes as we are unable to support you. We have chosen to put our time and effort into helping our chosen causes but we would be happy to consider you in the future for our annual campaign. If you would like your charity to be considered for next year then please e-mail with further information. Unfortunately we will not be able to respond to all requests but will let you know if we have chosen your campaign and details will also be displayed on the website.